Okey-dokey, Christmas season is here and I need some
good ideas
for new traditions to start with my children. No such thing as too many suggestions. This is my favorite time of the year and I would really like to do some different and fun activities with my children that will help them to understand and appreciate why we celebrate this holiday. Thanks!

well--not sure if my ideas are "spiritual" but they are fun!!
i make my homemade see's fudge and deliver to our neighbors/ward family members--
your mom is buying me some white pillow cases-then for FHE i will let the girls "decorate" their xmas pillow with colored fabric markers (i did this for their trick or treat bags)
Spend the whole day calling the free national tracking number for Santa. Its was completely run by volunteers and they were so friendly each time you call.
great ideas christina. i will have to check out that website. i love this time of year too! some ideas we do: celebrate Sinter Klaas Day on December 5th (Dutch holiday) - put out our wooden shoes and tennis shoes and he brings chocolates and fruits or sticks if you have been bad. you could find christmas traditions in most cultures.
we play christmas bingo with red/green M&M's for every FHE.
We do a FHE lesson on the nativity scene as well as one on the symbols of christmas (star, color red, evergreen tree,etc.)
we talk about where the idea of santa comes from - from saint nicklaus who brought gifts like to the babe child.
also, we attend atleast one creche exhibit and sing noel or any church music program.
it is hard to seperate christmas and santa. i think it should be called christmas and another day santa claus day.
what ideas do you have kristi??
I love the ideas. Shopping, Going to the lights at the temple, sledding,12 days of Christmas. I have 25 Christmas stories that I read to the kids every night of December, we have fun FHEs that all are about Christmas and the birth of the Savior. We bake all month long, I think this year I might do a "play/skit" assigning the kids a part of the nativity and read a story and have the kiddies act out the scene. Too bad we are so far away, it might be more fun to do with all the cousins. I tried goingto the shelter in Salt Lake and to the place where they serve food but it was not a great place for kids. Maybe when they are older and can understand on a deeper level.I don't know if the economy is to blame but I know so many families that will do without this Christmas. It has made me count my blessings. Mostly, I am greatful for my family. I see how alone many people are and I am thankful to have such wonderful parents,brothers and sisters-love and miss you guys!-
Fun to hear all of your traditions! We also do the Christmas stories under the tree every night...the kids love that. This is more for me, but I just bought a kitchen full of ingredients for Christmas goodies: peppermints, pretzels, chocolate, boxes and boxes and boxes of butter.....I can't wait to start toffee, caramels, marshmallow wreaths...you get the idea!
We do many mentioned above, as well as make an advent calendar chain. (tear off one link each day until Christmas). Neighborhood gifts include a pamphlet from Elder Monson to read before we open presents. Loveridges are holding an "ugly sweater" FHE this year! I'm gonna WIN! Festival of Trees is over, but in late November every year and worth seeing. Our kids are doing chores this year to earn money for a sub-for-santa our entire ward is hosting for low-income families in the area. Do you have our "traditions" book my mom and I wrote? I should send you a copy if I can find one! Many ideas from family and friends in there....Happy Holidays!
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