So to all you ladies out there, I have some tid bits of advise that I unfortunately have learned from experience. We all get that "itch," wanting to change something. Hoping that a new look will give us that "zing" to capture our husband's eye. (Nothing better than a positive double take from our man!) We tend to do drastic things,... hair color, cut, manicures, pedicures, waxes (ouch!,) facials, micro-derm abrasion, acid peels, botox, lifts and tucks. The list goes on and on. Efforts in attempt to defy gravity and restore youth. Sometimes we kid ourselves into thinking that we enjoy this type of torture but we really just want to keep.
My hair has been long forever. I don't think that I have had bangs since I was 11. Long and straight, boring but I loved it. Whip it into a ponytail and I was off. Perfect for being a mommy, cleaning, nursing, working, playing soccer, everything, A-Z! Being in my 30's and feeling like I needed to look a little more than ready to play a soccer game, a friend suggested that I cut it short so I had a style. Thinking that I would give short hair a try, I grew it out unusually long and cut it to donate it to a charity. Romantic notion but not very practical since I have never really ever had a "Real" hair style. Short hair was fun at first, but boy did I miss those "whip it back' days. And one thing that people don't tell you is that short hair needs to be trimmed all the time. So you go in to have a "trim" and you come out even shorter than the short hair was before. So this last week I had a trim and a color. Something went drastically wrong with the strength of the chemicals and slowly I am loosing all my bangs. I mean the whole "Sha-bangs!"I noticed it because it looked as though I had a bald spot right were my hair was parted. There they were, literally, thousands of little itty-bitty hairs that were starting to grow back out after being burned off. So after this terribly story what is my point? Lets recognize a good thing when we have it. Aside from what media or peers or neighbors or whomever says, it is okay to be the same. It is okay to age. It is fine to keep doing what works for you. I think that it is important to look good but it doesn't mean that we have to change to societies pressures or influences. I am no expert on men but I think that instead of being drastic with our appearance, being kind, gentle, attentive, caring and considerate with our man will give us more "double takes" then being consumed with our appearance. Getting older can be beautiful and graceful if we embraced the experiences along the way.
My hair has been long forever. I don't think that I have had bangs since I was 11. Long and straight, boring but I loved it. Whip it into a ponytail and I was off. Perfect for being a mommy, cleaning, nursing, working, playing soccer, everything, A-Z! Being in my 30's and feeling like I needed to look a little more than ready to play a soccer game, a friend suggested that I cut it short so I had a style. Thinking that I would give short hair a try, I grew it out unusually long and cut it to donate it to a charity. Romantic notion but not very practical since I have never really ever had a "Real" hair style. Short hair was fun at first, but boy did I miss those "whip it back' days. And one thing that people don't tell you is that short hair needs to be trimmed all the time. So you go in to have a "trim" and you come out even shorter than the short hair was before. So this last week I had a trim and a color. Something went drastically wrong with the strength of the chemicals and slowly I am loosing all my bangs. I mean the whole "Sha-bangs!"I noticed it because it looked as though I had a bald spot right were my hair was parted. There they were, literally, thousands of little itty-bitty hairs that were starting to grow back out after being burned off. So after this terribly story what is my point? Lets recognize a good thing when we have it. Aside from what media or peers or neighbors or whomever says, it is okay to be the same. It is okay to age. It is fine to keep doing what works for you. I think that it is important to look good but it doesn't mean that we have to change to societies pressures or influences. I am no expert on men but I think that instead of being drastic with our appearance, being kind, gentle, attentive, caring and considerate with our man will give us more "double takes" then being consumed with our appearance. Getting older can be beautiful and graceful if we embraced the experiences along the way.
oh girl that was so fun!!! im ALWAYS wanting to chop it off to get a new style..but my friend says its so much more work..and im just well lazy! so long, straight, "whip it up" is where it will stay..
this post was too cute--thanks for making me laugh..sorry it was at your expense though!??! scary drama with your hair!!
Sorry...I'm the dummy with all the deleted comments...Reading it the first time, I thought it was Christina who had the hair mishap, but on a second read, realized it was KRISTY!!! So sorry, but really enjoyed the laugh at how well you told the story. I'm right with ya with the whole "needing a change" thing. All I can say for you is, why mess with perfection! You have ALWAYS looked beautiful with that gorgeous hair! I hope it all grows back soon! Post some pics! I'm sure it's not as bad as you think ;)
Maybe we will be bald in the next life and not have to deal with such frivolous things! he-he! You are still a babe though, Kristi!
I feel your pain! A few months after I had Ava, I felt like I needed a dramatic change... Never having hair shorter than a few inches below my shoulders in my entire life, I chopped it all off... Trying to save money (bad idea), I had my hair cut by a barber who had never really worked with girls before... Needless to say, I have had a series of "corrective" hair cuts (having to go sooo short to get rid of missing chunks and gaps from the bad hair cut!) to get it back to the way it was... It's now 1 1/2 years later and it's at the point where I am able to let it grow and it's starting to look somewhat descent... I am still anxiously waiting to have my long hair again, but unfortunately it's a waiting game! I, too, am lazy with my hair and know that long hair is the only way to go for me! Sorry that you had such a traumatic experience!
Thanks for sharing your hair woes...now go get a camera and put some pictures up for us!
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