Katie and I had a great time with Shara and her 4 girls. We all hiked up to Bridal Veil Falls and the kids splashed in the water. She is living in Yorba Linda, CA. and is happy and says hello to everyone. Isn't it amazing how the gospel can impact peoples lives? It was a beautiful day!

what? she came up to visit WITHOUT ME!!?!? remember our "road trip" that seriously was SO much fun!! i think i did 100 the whole way up and back from your house!! good times!
she's actually coming to visit jon on the 24th of this month..
funny-a few weeks ago i talked to jon about "his past" seeing that sandra gave us this HUGE white box of photos and SO MANY were his xgfriends! whats up with that?!?!? haha
so we got to talking..and now i feel SO bad for shara- jon was SOOO MEAN and see's that now..both to shara and whatever her face was..ya know the "not so cute one"..i kinda set him straight on "how to break up with a girl" cuz he's SOOO BAD AT IT!! GEESH!
I think we all acted in ways that we now regret. I guess the important thing is we are learning. Besides, Jon was just a way for Shara to get to know our family, we all love her like a sister. Yes- I remember that trip, my house was supposed to be done and it wasn't and everyone got the flu and we were stuck in that very small 2 bd apt with everyone throwing up....good times!
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