Okay... So I realize that Christina and I are the only ones posting but I have to tell you about how GREAT Jennifer's family is! They are here to visit Jennifer and Mark from Venezuela. They leave in the morning after a 3 week trip to California, Las Vegas and Utah. They are such wonderful friendly people. It is amazing how I don't even speak their language and yet felt like I spoke with them the whole night. Katie and Seth came over and we ate lots of food, played soccer, volleyball, laughed and enjoyed eachothers company. I absolutely love them! Here are some pics in front of our home- love to all-kristi
plus- threw in a pic of Britta today at her soccer game... She is an awesome player!( And I love being her coach!)
fun to hang with jennifers family-we got to have dinner with them last week-
you're looking good kristi! and HELLO where'd your hair go!??! is chris mad your hairs gone? jon worships my boring straight long hair..nice..i look like a 12 year old..oh well!
i have photo's to post..but need my camera cord!!
Hair went to Locks of Love-they make wigs for children with cancer. We cut 12" off the back and 11" off the sides. Love the short hair and colored it really funky. Chris seems to like it too. Chris- you have beautiful hair- I love it, don't cut it! I don't think you look 12, besides I "hear" long hair is "in."
ah yes locks of love-thats great of you to do that!!
i forgot to say ive NEVER even seen a photo of your house!! its way nice-i like it!!
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