Great idea Christina! All in the Anderton crew are doin' great. Summer is over and we have started off another school year with happy kids."The Routine" has begun again but with Matthew in school, it is very quiet in our home during school hours.
I have been reading two very interesting books to fill time. If any one wants to borrow them let me know and I will send them to you. One is Change Your Brain Change Your Life, by Daniel G Amen, M.D, it is a study on the power of the brain as it relates to behavior. I have been fascinated by the physical functions that they can map in studying certain personalities and behavioral issues. Basically, it has helped me to understand what some of my weaknesses are, and then address them with basic principles like diet, excersize, attitude (a biggy!,)avoiding tendencies, control/acknowlege depression. All info. is based on psychological studies but emphasises physical findings and charactaristics of the brain. VERY interesting! A good read! The other book was given to me by a friend, Getting Past No, Negotiating Your Way From Confrontation To Cooperation by William Ury. Since I am like 90% RED personality, I really need this book! I really enjoy the way it helps you to premeditate appropriate behavior for different situations. Probably a good read for any Hales since we are not lacking in confidence and can sometimes be overbearing in our oppinions. (Right? or is it just me?)
Chris is doing well. Since his recent release from his YM Pres. calling, we have been seeing him a little more often. He is doing well in his job. He has recommited himself to his education and is taking 9 credits this semester in hopes to FINALLY graduate with Mark, Katie, and Seth next fall. We are all grateful to announce that after 15 lbs. and almost 3 weeks of being deathly ill, Chris is finally parasite free! (As an FHE activity, we swam at the Lehi Legacy Center where there was a horrific outbreak of this nasty parasite... we got it of course!) So FYI- no swimming activities in Utah for a really long time! The great part is Chris is lookin HOT! (Wish I could loose 15 lbs in 3 wks....... just not the way he did!)
We love you all. Look forward to the holidays so we might be able to see you again-Kristi
I have been reading two very interesting books to fill time. If any one wants to borrow them let me know and I will send them to you. One is Change Your Brain Change Your Life, by Daniel G Amen, M.D, it is a study on the power of the brain as it relates to behavior. I have been fascinated by the physical functions that they can map in studying certain personalities and behavioral issues. Basically, it has helped me to understand what some of my weaknesses are, and then address them with basic principles like diet, excersize, attitude (a biggy!,)avoiding tendencies, control/acknowlege depression. All info. is based on psychological studies but emphasises physical findings and charactaristics of the brain. VERY interesting! A good read! The other book was given to me by a friend, Getting Past No, Negotiating Your Way From Confrontation To Cooperation by William Ury. Since I am like 90% RED personality, I really need this book! I really enjoy the way it helps you to premeditate appropriate behavior for different situations. Probably a good read for any Hales since we are not lacking in confidence and can sometimes be overbearing in our oppinions. (Right? or is it just me?)
Chris is doing well. Since his recent release from his YM Pres. calling, we have been seeing him a little more often. He is doing well in his job. He has recommited himself to his education and is taking 9 credits this semester in hopes to FINALLY graduate with Mark, Katie, and Seth next fall. We are all grateful to announce that after 15 lbs. and almost 3 weeks of being deathly ill, Chris is finally parasite free! (As an FHE activity, we swam at the Lehi Legacy Center where there was a horrific outbreak of this nasty parasite... we got it of course!) So FYI- no swimming activities in Utah for a really long time! The great part is Chris is lookin HOT! (Wish I could loose 15 lbs in 3 wks....... just not the way he did!)
We love you all. Look forward to the holidays so we might be able to see you again-Kristi
WHAT? he got a parasite! SCARY! i had heard the utah shut down ALL their public pools because of outbreaks like this-so crazy...
my brother clay got one from his mission on ecuador..its "his buddy" that has NEVER left..he takes medication for it..good times!
WAY WAY jealous of the 15lbs!!
interesting books..i fear that they are "hard" reads for me!?!? i enjoy books that i dont have to think too hard..ya know like usweekly or people! just kidding..i SO need some books to read though!!
oh i commented before the photo came up! wierd!
cute photo-they all look JUST LIKE EACHOTHER!!
Kristi...I can't believe how big all your little chickies are! But how fun to have some free time in the day...so great. Sorry to hear about Chris' bug...
Glad you guys are blogging!
hi this could be fun!! dad
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