in a few days or weeks (depending on when i get the appt)...i went to the doctor yesterday who i REALLY actually like---he has ordered me a table tilt test which will have to be done at the hospital most likely..so i have a consult with the cardiologist first, then the actual test--he checked my lab work again and ALL of it looks really good...so they are going to essentially keep probing the heart to see whats going on..
so that is that!
kristi: this has been going on for over 8 weeks now..i can usually tell when its "coming on" and can hold on to something and work my way thru it..but last monday it went really fast and i fell down..i really thought it was my iron because im always low during pregnancy..but he said that my iron levels are actually really good, same with the sugar levels...so that is that!
That machine looks like just as much fun as my mammography machine that I visited a couple weeks ago-have fun!
WHAT?? a mammogram already?!?!? i dont know whats worse..having HUGE boobs to be squished or tiny ones to be SMASHED!?!?!
Thanks alot! I'll try not to take that personal!FYI all women over 30 should be having them. Most insurances cover 100% once per year. You can never be too careful- I'm planning on being around for a really long time! Are you not posting on your other blog anymore?
hahahha--too funny!! what we are suppose to be having them?!?! i thought it was 40ish???
nah-im not really posting on the other blog..kinda fizzled out..nothing really major to post about...
Okey-dokey maybe we should talk about this over the phone. I really believe in preventive medicine verses treating something when it finally is to the point when you have to be aggressive. After Jon's accident I felt as though the gift of our bodies and the ability we have to "preform" is something not to be taken for granted. I am trying to make changes in my lifestyle so that my body can be it's healthiest. I know we all have our weakness but slowly and surely I feel myself physically improving and my well being becoming stronger as I focus more upon my body as a gift. It makes me only want to put things into it that are healthy for me. (Don't get me wrong- My Dr. Peppers are so delicious!- although I only having them occasionally and more as a "Reward" verses needing one to get me through the rest of the day!( What is it about the "Hales" and soda?) Even though it is only soda, I would like to avoid any addictive behavior. On a side note, Kaylee gave me Dr. Pepper chapstick for Christmas- We all got a huge chuckle out of it!
Where is Celene?-Miss you girl-
i have always felt strongly about only putting in good things into the body and things that are of a natural state (which is a big reason why i never did the pill)also we have never had caffeine in our home..i think the last time i had a pepsi/coke was in the 5th grade!! we've pretty much cut out all soda here too..when we go out to eat..we just both order water..
both jon & i have been extremely blessed to not have any health issues (i think he's the ONLY hales with low cholestoral! even before the accident)..we NEVER had to go to the doctors (other then me to give birth and get back home)..so when jon got hurt..it was seriously a whole new experience for the both of us..i think we'd been to the doctor once our entire marriage each of us!!!
the body is an amazing tool if we treat it good--
ps: can i brag that i got into a size 4 dress and wore it to church--it was from this expensive store (i SERIOUSLY think they make the tags a smaller size so the bigger women think they are still small!)it was 75% off..after i saw the tag was a size 4 and i looked good in it-i didnt care WHAT the price was--but then they scanned it..it was originally 98 and i paid 12 dollars HELLO!!!! im a happy girl!!
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