im not exactly sure what happened..i had gotten up & gone downstairs to make sure the girls were getting ready for school...then anna needed some toast so i got up and walking over to the kitchen i felt like i was going to be a goner..so i thought..okay i need to grab onto the counter and take a few breaths...then BAM next thing i know im flat on the wood floor?!?!?! i have a knarly bruise on my chin..i have NO idea how that happened..and my lips are swollen because i bit down on them too...GEESH!!
okay so im doing better--but this AM felt like i was going to lose it again..but was close enough to a counter to hold on..jons nurse said to take my gold ring and swipe it across my face..if a grey line appears that means im anemic..so i try it and sure enough its practically BLACK! HELLO!!! i said "what a second here..i JUST washed my face and put oil of olay on it and im SURE my ring is TOTALLY DIRTY!!!??" so i cleaned my ring in my chemical cleaner thingy--then tried it again..and sure enough it was grey..i then marked myself up like an indian and showed jon..
SO i GUESS i need to go BACK to the DR's AGAIN and get blood work-geesh!! the last two times i was totally fine in my iron levels..what the heck!!!
SO im asking ALL of you to swipe your ring and leave a post about what happened---i did it to becca--and she had nothing..so now im wondering...so try it and let me know!
okay, did the whole ring swiping thing and it totally turned my forhead grey/black- I did it a couple of times and now I have all these streaks across my forehead-thanks christina! I am glad you are okay from your fainting spell- it is quite strange- that is not a normal or good thing to have happen. Probably would be a good idea to find out why this is happening. You would hate to fall and knock out some teeth. Hope you are feeling better. Got your xmas card today-cute picture!
Hey..when I was a kid I used to pass out as well...I still suffer occasionally from near-black-out episodes, so I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. Blood work, brain scans all came up negative. As for the ring swipe, I AM anemic from time to time, but my ring finger ALWAYS turns black when I put lotion on. I think the oil of olay thing may have sparked that....like I said, my ring finger ALWAYS turns black with lotion. So, I should probably also tell you I (during pregnancy) take an iron supplement. I'm not completely iron-deficient, but a little boost is what the doctor ordered. Maybe a good multi-vitamin would do wonders for everything going on.
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